Favrs vision is a sustainable world where sharing is the norm and second nature. A world where everyone is looking for opportunities to do favors for others and help strangers rather than enriching themselves. A world where our spare resources are utilized more efficiently rather that wasted by senseless over-consumption. A world where our perceived self-value is based on how much value we bring to the world, how much we share and help others, and not on how much we have, own and know.
Favrs mission is to make it beneficial, easy and fun to share by creating a global sustainable pay-it-forward peer-to-peer sharing network where you can share what you have and get access to what you need, for free.
I was hired by Alek Wilki to design some pins to be used for promotional work for Favrs. These pins were to be sold for members to support the cause, while at the same time displaying their support to other people.
We decided on wooden laser-engraved pins that I could make myself locally, prioritizing sustainability and craftsmanship.
I also designed the packaging used to display the pins, inciting members to wear it to encourage interactions with a stranger.